Life Along The Streetcar Podcast

My Life Along The Streetcar - Full-Size Paperback Edition

My Life Along The Streetcar
Full-Size Paperback Edition


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Also For Sale at the Tucson Gallery, where you will start your adventure…

Each and every Sunday morning, Local Guide Tom Heath steps out of the trolley and into the studio to record his weekly radio show, “Life Along The Streetcar.” The live radio show can be found at 99.1 FM, at 11:00 am on Sunday and the podcast of each episode can be found at

Once tuned in, you’ll be treated to news and events affecting Tucson’s Urban Core, along with interviews by movers and shakers in the area. You’ll learn about new businesses popping up in Downtown Tucson, and how Tucson plans to grow while still retaining it’s indigenous roots. You’ll finish each program with a better understanding of where Downtown Tucson is going and who is taking it there!

Head over to right now to listen to over 200 episodes right now! You can even read the transcript of each episode if you are more of a visual learner. Check out an episode for a few minutes and you are sure to become a regular listener. You’ll get an even greater appreciation of your Tucson Trolley Tour!

Tom’s recently release book, My Life Along The Streetcar: A Collection of Interviews, is available in local bookstores, on and now inside the Tucson Gallery! (See Top of Page)